In 2021, the JCI RISE initiative has been implemented on all levels of our organization. We looked at the challenges of the small and medium businesses and actively searched for solutions that we may provide as active members of JCI Europe.
In several meetings and workshops of the JCI Europe Team with National Presidents, committees, and HQ we have seen that the digital transformation is a niche that our creative & innovative members may address with projects on the local, national, and international levels. Therefore, the JCI European Development Council (EDC) launched in February 2021 the #GoDigital framework, followed by submission of projects organized by JCI members as examples of best practices sharing. More information can be found here.
The #GoDigital initiative is designed as a continued framework that encourages members to share their expertise with local businesses to help them maintain financial sustainability through the use of technology, online communication, management & sales tools as well as resources sharing.
Further, several meetings and workshops have been organized to promote digitalization in business – both by the JCI EDC and by members across Europe. The framework was a part of the European Presidents Meeting in February, the European Conference and Global Growth and Development Committee live session, JCI Europe Live in June as well as the #GoDigital Academy in December. As a consequence of this campaign, members of JCI Turkey offered to share the technology they created for connecting businesses with service providers which may be implemented in other JCI organizations: the Global Community of the Globe
The initiative implemented by Team Europe has been started and coordinated by JCI EDC Councillor Joanna Mamczur from JCI Poland who will be further supporting it next year, as a member of the global JCI RISE Committee. In 2021 Joanna was assigned to the EDC National & Local Collaboration portfolio and applied the #GoDigital framework as a new way to encourage enhanced communication and cooperation within JCI on the local, national, and international levels. Feel free to contact Joanna in order to discuss the JCI RISE projects which you are planning for the year 2022, in particular with regards to the digital transformation of SMEs: [email protected]