JCI Belgium embraces JCI RISE

5 November 2021


Different JCI RISE-projects are being launched (or have been) in Belgium. Our current regional president Jonathan Schuermans (JCI Vlaanderen 2021-2022) and also proud member of the RISE-committee, shares his insights towards the things we need to do…now.

JCI RISE – Rebuild-Invest-Sustain-Evolve

Following a period of uncertainty, Europe, together with the rest of the world, will need to double down on its efforts in regenerating and rebuilding itself, its economy, its businesses and its human resources. There’s no better way of fulfilling the JCI mission and vision in Europe at this point in time than being a force of empowerment to our individual members, our communities and our businesses in each and every country.

RISE is JCI’s reaction to the Covid-19 pandemic from an economic perspective. It’s a member-driven initiative, encouraging members to develop projects related to the three pillars of RISE:

  1. Sustaining and rebuilding economies by supporting small, local businesses
  2. Motivating the workforce through youth entrepreneurship
  3. Preserving mental health and well-being

This initiative anchors JCI in economic reality, while enabling our global members to move towards One Future.

Discover more about JCI RISE on the JCI Europe website.

Movie time: we can act now

During these ever changing times, we can sit back and wait…or we can act now. Guess what Jonathan prefers? 😉
An important detail: he made this video during his visit of the Start-up Factory 3.0, on Thursday 4th of November 2021. (a beautiful example of a local RISE-event).

Kenneth De Decker
Immediate Past President 2020-2021
JCI Vlaanderen vzw



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